Consideration for Palliative Radiation Therapy should be given to those with: Pain related to bone metastases Headache and neurological symptoms related to brain metastases Dyspnea related to [...]
Myth Morphine is dangerous, because it can make breathing slow down to a dangerously low rate. Truth Morphine and other opioids are not dangerous respiratory depressants when used appropriately, [...]
Support and Encouragement for Families and Caregivers Delirium is an EOL complication that is often distressing to patients, families and caregivers due to its rapid onset and the accompanying [...]
Brain Tumours Brain related disorders represent a unique challenge in that they affect the organ that is the essence of the ‘self’. There are over 120 different types of brain tumours, making [...]
The foundation of medical ethics is supported by four pillars: Autonomy – patient has right to choose/refuse treatment Beneficence – doctor acts in best interest of patient [...]
Ask your patients who their Substitute Decision Maker is: As health care providers, before providing treatment, you must get informed consent from the patient or from their Substitute Decision [...]
Dying is a natural process as the body begins shutting down. Approaching families to share the signs and symptoms of the physical and emotional signs of approaching death can be challenging. Not [...]
Malignant Spinal Cord Compression (MSSC) is considered a medical emergency! Early detection and treatment are essential to prevent permanent loss of function. Signs and Symptoms: Back pain at [...]
The demands of caring for a gravely ill family member can jeopardize both your job and the financial security of your family. You are entitled to Compassionate Care Benefits provided by the [...]
The purpose of the pain pump information package is to support Healthcare providers in their understanding of the correct use and maintenance of various infusion devices. Our aim is to enhance [...]