Spotlight on Two Regional Palliative Protocols: EDITH and SRK

Both the EDITH and SRK protocols are intended to enable health care practitioners to provide a standardized, and consistent, best-practice approach to end-of-life care for the patients and families we serve.  These protocols and their respective guidelines have been updated and improved through the work of 2 regional interdisciplinary committees and valuable input from stakeholder feedback.

Expected Death in the Home (EDITH)

EDITH provides a pathway for clear communication and planning to support a natural death in the home. Use of the EDITH form and guideline will assist both health care providers and funeral home services.  Highlights include:

  • a clear process outlining the various team members’ role in completing the EDITH form
  • a step by step guideline tool outlining all section components

“Having section labelled for each team member allows for easy recognition of areas to be complete”

“We had this in the Champlain LHIN and it worked great and made our lives easier”

Symptom Response Kit (SRK)

SRKs support the management of rapid-onset, unanticipated symptoms in the home. The ability to manage escalating symptoms as they arise promotes improved quality of life, a reduction in suffering as well as avoiding unnecessary emergency room visits and hospital admissions. Highlights include:

  • An updated medication order sheet based on best practice evidence
  • A reduction of the number and amount of medications used
  • A patient and family education sheet to facilitate understanding and safe use of the kit

“I love that the amount of medications in the kit has been reduced – there’s less chance of waste”

“The revised SRK guidelines and order form are clear and easy to read”

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PDF – Spotlight on Two Regional Palliative Protocols: EDITH and SRK


Watch for information about upcoming webinars:  May 25th & May 26th.  Once released, these revised Regional Palliative protocols will be available on: